Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging app that allows users to send messages, photos, videos, and other files with end-to-end encryption. It was created by Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai Durov in 2013, and has since become a popular messaging app around the world, particularly among users who value privacy and security.
These are encrypted end-to-end messages that can only be read by the sender and recipient. They also have a self-destruct timer, which means that the message will automatically delete after a certain period of time.
Telegram allows users to create groups with up to 200,000 members, and users can share photos, videos, and files within these groups.
Channels are similar to groups, but they are designed for one-way communication. Users can subscribe to channels to receive updates from a particular organization or individual.
Telegram allows users to create and interact with bots, which are automated programs that can perform a range of tasks.
Telegram is available for download on a range of platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac. It is also available as a web app. The app is free to use, and the company has stated that it will remain ad-free and not sell user data.
Telegram offers end-to-end encryption for messages, which means that only the sender and recipient can read them. This helps to ensure that messages cannot be intercepted or read by third parties, including governments or hackers. However, it is worth noting that end-to-end encryption is not enabled by default for all messages in Telegram; it is only available for messages sent in secret chats.
Telegram allows users to share files up to 2GB in size, which is much larger than the file size limits of many other messaging apps.
Telegram allows users to use the app on multiple devices simultaneously, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.
Telegram has added support for voice and video calls, allowing users to make secure calls with their contacts.
In addition to end-to-end encryption, Telegram offers a range of privacy features, including the ability to hide your phone number from others, the ability to use a passcode or fingerprint to lock the app, and the ability to delete messages from both your own and your contact’s device.
Telegram’s code is open-source, which means that anyone can review it and verify that it is secure.
Telegram is operated by Telegram Messenger LLP, a company registered in the United Kingdom. The company has stated that it is not affiliated with any government and does not store user data.
Telegram allows users to customize the app’s interface with different themes, chat backgrounds, and fonts. Users can also create custom stickers and share them with their contacts.
Telegram uses a cloud-based infrastructure to store messages and files, which means that users can access their chats and files from any device with an internet connection.
Telegram’s bot platform allows developers to create bots that can perform a wide range of tasks, such as sending reminders, providing weather updates, or playing games. Users can interact with bots in individual chats or group chats.
Telegram’s API is open to developers, allowing them to create third-party apps and services that integrate with Telegram.
Telegram’s channels feature allows users to create public channels for broadcasting messages to a large audience. Channels can be used for news updates, marketing messages, or other types of announcements.
Telegram is a popular instant messaging app that offers a range of features, including end-to-end encryption, large file sharing, multi-device support, and customizable interface. It is known for its focus on privacy and security, and its commitment to remaining ad-free and not selling user data. Telegram’s bot platform, public API, and channels for broadcasting make it a versatile tool for a wide range of uses, from personal communication to marketing and news updates. With its cross-platform messaging capabilities, Telegram offers users the ability to message contacts on other platforms, making it a convenient and flexible messaging app.
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